Poseidon or Neptune

the ruler of the Seas and protector of Horses

He was the son of Cronus and Rhea. His brothers were Zeus, Pluto and his sisters Hera, Demeter and Hestia.

When Zeus cast their father Saturn from his throne, the three brothers shared the world among each other. Poseidon became master of the seas and of all waters in general. Although Hesiod considers him to be older than Zeus, Poseidon accepted the supremacy of Zeus and always resigned to his will.

He dwelt in a golden palace on the seabed in Aegaes. However we do not know where exactly the ancient Greeks imagined this city to reside. His wife was Amphitrite and with her he ruled his kingdom. All the marine deities, and generally those related to water, were submissive to him. He also ascended to Mount Olympus to take part in the assemblies of the gods.

He was not only the lord of the seas. He was the owner of all their phenomena. He caused storms and also could calm them. With his trident he caused earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. He created islands, reefs and springs. He gave favorable wind to seafarers, protecting them. He was also a protector of fishermen.

Since he was the god of the waters, he was also the god of vegetation. That's why some of his myths are related to the myths of Demeter. Because the ancients likened the waves to the horses, whose ruler he was, Poseidon was considered a protector of horses and horse races. His children were also the mythical Pegasus and Areion horses. He had many other children, men wild and strong like Antaeus, Voussires, Polyphemus, Cygnus, Triton, Laestrigones, Neleus, Pelias and others. He was generally associated with primitive powers and monsters and pursued with them those who upset him.

He was worshiped in many parts of Greece, mainly in the capes and in the seaside areas. His most important celebration was the Isthmia. In this feast, they sacrificed to Poseidon mainly black bulls, boars and rams. His symbols were the dolphin, the horse, the pine, because of its use in the ships, and above all the trident. In art he is portrayed as a strong man, majestic, bearded, sometimes with a mantle and sometimes completely naked.